Writing Humanity into Abundance


Why This Site

This site is to assist you in developing proposals for Humanitarian Projects. To submit a project or edit an existing proposal, please visit deepdisclosure.com or continue here by choosing Projects above.

Some of you may be at the initial stage in this journey, being new to the process of funding and managing a project. Proposal presentation is key to having your project noticed and given serious consideration. We do not expect to see award-winning proposals, however plans that have been given great thought and effort, with a logical plan, will stand out. Spending the time to explore all areas of a project will not only help actualize your vision, but also refine the project for success.

Please use the resources provided in this space to make your project shine. Help us feel confident that you are ready to proceed in implementing your ideas. We are here to assist and we are excited to better the world together.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know in the ‘Contacts’ page. We love to help. As an aside, freeing our planet from suffering and oppression is everyone’s goal, of which your project is a key part. Make it shine on paper as it will on the field.

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Here we offer some food for thought regarding writing your plan. We understand that staring at a blank page can be intimidating and scary. Maybe a little hand-walking will launch the genius inside.


There are many resources that can shape your ideas and provide guidance in writing your plan. We offer some of those here.


Many people have walked the same path you have. Here are some examples of what they produced. Check this out and emulate, if you feel inclined to do so.